
Daniel Cande

La Rochelle isn't just for chicks...

"It's a cruel tale about the worst aspects of modernity. About everything that has made the bloody, revolting, senseless and absurd front pages of the news in recent months. A look at a world in the throes of collective decay. As is often the case when "akin" to humans, the characters here are animals. Nine animals, no dumber than the rest of us, embark on a journey to a "new world". Twists, turns, storms and the tumultuous atmosphere of the end of the human world... Who, among these survivors, will reach, or deserve to reach, the new land of salvation? Does it exist? A tale of morality and anger..."
Aline Apostolska, programme du Cargo, Grenoble (February 1987)

Choreography: Régine Chopinot
Performers: Régine Chopinot, Herman Diephuis, Poonie Dodson, Ellen Karcher, Michèle Prélonge, Rita Quaglia, Monet Robier, Michio Suzuki, Frédéric Werlé
Performers (MC 93 cast): Régine Chopinot, Herman Diephuis, Poonie Dodson, Michèle Prélonge, Rita Quaglia, Monet Robier, Frédéric Werlé
Choreographer: Noemie Perlov
Costumes: Jean Paul Gaultier (animal costumes created by Ateliers du Costume)
Set design: Didier PerretonSound: André Serré
Lighting: Gérard Boucher
Special effects: Claude Chaussignand

Duration: 1 hour without intermission


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