


"Four states of love for one woman, punctuated by three old love stories: those of Abélard and Héloïse, Orpheus and Eurydice, and the Portuguese nun. Or how to reintroduce literature, halfway between argument and libretto, into contemporary dance. Delicious, isn't it?"
Hervé Gauville in the Châteauvallon program (July 1983)

7 paintings: "Un soupçon de jalousie", "Héloise et Abélard", "Correspondance", "Orfeo et Euridice", "Palatino", "Considère, mon amour, jusqu'à quel excès tu as manqué de prévoyance", "Femme seule en Italie avec un noyé".

Choreography and direction: Régine Chopinot
Performers: Régine Chopinot, Philippe Decouflé, Laurent Fachard, Vicente di Franco Filho, Éric Larrondo, Pierre, Vera Lucia Motta Buono, Michèle Prélonge, Monet Robier
Music, soundtrack and lyrics: Laurent Stopnicki
Argument, text: Hervé Gauville " Délices, chroniques incertaines "
Costumes: Jean Paul Gaultier
Set design: Rémi Nicolas
Lighting: Rémi Nicolas at creation, then Bernard Jamond and Régine Chopinot
Filmed set direction: Régine Chopinot and Charles Picq (image composition)
Filmed set direction: Robert Faurus-Palacio (Girasol Productions, Paris), shot in 35mm color in Lyon and Florence, projected in rear projection.

Running time: 1h20


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