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Workshop Dance

At 783 in Nantes from February 16 to 18, 2015

Open to all dancers, whatever their preferred style. Anyone involved in physical practice and/or the production of artistic acts: theater, singing, music.
With gentleness and precision, the aim of this workshop is to open up, perceive and implement both physical and energetic space.
The challenge is to find the right supports to unite a homogeneous group, while respecting the place of each individual, and to establish a common path using the tools of yoga, dance, rhythm and speech.
The afternoons will be accompanied by a percussionist.

Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th: 10am - 1pm and 2:30pm - 6pm
Wednesday 18th: 9:30am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm
120€ per course + annual membership
783, 50 rue Fouré, 44000 Nantes
Tel.: 02 51 84 10 83